субота, 12. новембар 2022.

Toyota hibridi - skriveni problem, moguce resenje i jos neke ideje

Ovo dole je Srpska verzija originalnog teksta koji sam postavio 3 novembra. Prvi tekst je napisan na Engleskom sa zeljom da ga eventualno procita i neko iz Toyote


Prvo da vidimo o kakvom problemu i idejama pricamo, a potom sledi dodatno pojasnjenje.

1. Problem sa praznjenjem 12V akumulatora

Koren ovog problema lezi u nedostatku informacija i resenje istog moze biti veoma jednostavno.
Ukratko - vozaci ne znaju nista o nacinu na koji se puni 12V akumulator na hibridnom automobilu i ubedjeni su da je njihov akumulator 100% pun nakon sto su iskljucili auto, a sto uopste nije slucaj !
Resenje, kao sto rekoh, moze biti veoma jednostavno - Svaki put nakon gasenja auta, na instrument tabli bi trebala da se pojavi informacija sledeceg tipa:


2. Nadgledanje temperature u baterijskom prostoru (baterija od 200V)

Bilo bi dobro ukoliko bi se u taj prostor ubacio senzor, te da na instrument tabli moze da se vidi i taj podatak... ...i trece...

3. Svi Toyota hibridi, plug-in hybridi...


1 Praznjenje 12V akumulatora

Dok jos nisam preuzeo moju novu Toyotu, jedan kolega nakon duzeg stajanja na taksi stanici nije mogao da startuje svog Priusa. Pozvao je servis i ispostavilo se da je probelem do 12V akumulatora. Pored ostalih potrosaca, taksi vozila imaju i radio stanice koje su veliki potrosaci, pogotovo u predaji signala.

Upravo zbog toga sam ubacio voltmetar u moj auto, kako bih pratio napon na akumulatoru. Uz pomoc voltmetra sam odmah primetio neke interesantne stvari:

- Za razliku od ostalih automobila, 12V akumulator se ovde dopunjuje tek s vremena na vreme. Kao rezultat toga, sledeceg jutra sam primetio da je napon na akumulatoru (a to znaci i napunjenost istog), dosta nizi nego sto je bio na mom predhodnom autu. Na predhodnom autu napon bi bio 12,8 - 12,9V, sto znaci da je oko 95% pun, dok je napon na novom autu bio izmedju 12,2 i 12,5V, sto znaci da je mozda 55% - 75% napunjen

- Akumulator se dopunjuje tek s vremena na vreme i moze da se dogodi da vozac iskljuci auto bas u trenutku kada je napon na akumulatoru najnizi (u trenutku kada bi invertor trebao da se ukljuci da ga dopuni). Ampermetrom mozete da vidite da auto cak i kada je isklucen trosi oko 800mA i to bez dodatnih potrosaca (alarm, kamera i sl). Proracunajte sami za koliko vremena ce se akumulator dovoljno isprazniti da ne moze da startuje auto, ukoliko je nakon gasenja akumulator napunjen samo 65%

Ovaj problem se ne desava samo taksi vozacima!
Neko bi mogao da ode na zimski odmor, parkira auto ispred hotela (sa ukljucenim alarmom) i kada ponovo sedne u njega, nakon 7-14 dana, askumulator nece moci da pokrene hibridni sklop. Vozac nece imati predstave o cemu se radi a najblizi servis je mozda 50 km daleko.

Toyota nam je ponudila sledece resenje:

"We recommend you put the car in ‘Ready’ mode for about 60 minutes before switching it off again and repeat the process at least once a week"

"Preporucujemo vam da stavite auto u ‘Ready’ mod oko 60 minuta pre no sto ga iskljucite i taj proces ponavljate bar jednom nedeljno"

...ali cak i sa tim resenjem mi jos uvek imamo dva problema:

1. Mnogi vozaci ne znaju nista o tom problemu, niti su culi za taj savet.

2. Cak i da su culi za savet, mnogi od njih ce biti ubedjeni da im je akumulator 100% napunjen nakon sto su iskljucili auto i da su potpuno sigurni narednih mozda 7 dana.
Ali, mozda su iskljucili auto bas u trenutku kada je napon, odnosno napunjenost baterije na najnizem nivou, u trenutku kada treba da pocne proces punjenja. Akumulator je mozda samo 55% pun i alarm i jos neki potrosaci mogu isprazniti bateriju u narednih 7 dana.

Tako da,.. ...nakon gasenja auta, na instrument tabli bi trebala da se pojavi informacija da 12V akumulator nije pun 100% nego xx% (procesor bi trebao da proracuna i prikaze tacnu vrednost).

Dodatno punjenje akumulatora bi bilo potrebno ukoliko se auto nece voziti duzi vremenski period, ili ako ce u OFF modu biti ukljuceno dosta potrosaca.

Uzgred, to bi najverovatnije i smanjilo broj poziva za Toyota Euro Care sluzbu.

Zapravo, ukoliko ostavljate auto na duzi vremenski period, najsigurnije vam je da skinete jednu klemu sa akumulatora, autu to nece nista naskoditi.

Pored voltmetra ja u kolima imam i mali jump-starter (kupljen u Lidlu), koji mi do sada nije bio potreban, posto na voltmetru pratim pad napona i u slucaju potrebe stavim auto u "Ready" mod.

2 Nadgledanje temperature u baterijskom prostoru (baterija od 200V).

Pored voltmetra u auto sam takodje postavio i indikator temperature u prostoru gde stoji velika baterija (u taj prostor je ubacen odgovarajuci senzor). Pracenje temperature u tom prostoru je veoma vazno!
Dok nisam imao taj pokazivac, ja sam se upravljao uglavnom prema spoljnoj temperaturi i na osnovu toga bi podesavao rad klima uredjaja, a sto je velika greska.
Ukoliko je spoljna temperatura 20C i vi stojite u koloni po suncanom danu, temperatura u vozilu i baterijskom prostoru ce biti znatno veca nego u slucaju da vozite tokom noci pri istih 20C.

Uz to, od kada to pratim, ukoliko primetim da je temperatura odjednom naglo porasla, ja odmah znam da mi je neka musterija pozadi zatvorila ventilacioni otvor i da je to razlog za skok temperature.

Tako da na osnovu tog podatka ja odlucujem da li cu da ukljucim/pojacam klima uredjaj i da li treba da proverim, da li je zadnji ventilacioni otvor u funkciji.

Ukoliko se ta temperatura stalno prati i drzi pod kontrolom, zivotni vek baterije ce biti produzen, a takodje i njena efikasnost.

3 Svi Toyota hibridi, plug-in hybridi...

Bilo bi dobro ukoliko bi svi Toyota hibridni automobili (bar u oblastima gde je klima hladnija) imali mogucnost dopunjavanja velike baterije (recimo u garazi preko noci, obavezno pametnim punjacem koji ogranicava maksimalnu napunjenost!)

Sta bi se time dobilo ?

Teoretski, ujutro mozemo pokrenuti hibridni auto sa dopunjenom ili ispraznjenom baterijom. U prvom slucaju, napunjena baterija ce rasteretiti benzinski motor tokom zagrevanja, dok ce u drugom slucaju, motor biti dodatno opterecen punjenjem baterije tokom zagrevanja.

Poznato je da benzinski motori dok ne dostignu radnu temperaturu imaju znatno vecu potrosnju, tako da ce prva (a manje bitna) razlika biti u smanjenoj potrosnji goriva.

Ono sto je dosta vaznije - rasterecenje motora tokom zagrevanja ce mu produziti zivotni vek.

Takodje, ukoliko ispraznimo bateriju pre no sto stignemo kuci (pred kraj maksimalno vozeci u EV modu), smanjenje potrosnje ce biti znacajno.

Jos jedna ideja je - ugraditi u blok motora grejac na 230V, kako bi se zagrejao pre startovanja :)

Na kraju samo da spomenem da se moja prosecna potrosnja u periodu od aprila do kraja oktobra krece oko 3,4 l/100km (u maju i oktobru je bila 3,3 l/100km)


Edit 22.11.2022

interesantna stvar, nedugo nakon sto sam postavio ovaj tekst i meni se desilo da mi akumulator zakaze. U nedelju ujutro sam izvezao i parkirao auto ispred garaze. Nekih 8 sati nakon toga sedam u auto da ga uparkiram nazad, ali hibridni sklop nije mogao da se aktivira posto je napon na akumulatoru bio manji od 12V. Sa jump starterom, koji drzim u kolima, pokrenem auto, ubacim ga u garazu i prikljucim pametni punjac.

Pretpostavljam da je razlog u sledecem: verovatno da sam predhodnog dana auto iskljucio momenat pre no sto ce invertor poceti da dopunjava akumulator (kada je napon na njemu najnizi), samo startovanje je izvuklo iz njega malo vise struje, a za dva minuta koliko mi je trebalo da auto izvezem, akumulator nije mogao da se dovoljno dopuni.

To svoje iskustvo sam preneo i u jednoj viber grupi u kojoj se nalazi i gospodin iz Toyota Srbija. Obzirom da je pouzdanost prva asocijacija koja se vezuje uz Toyotu, prava je steta da postoji jedna ovako banalna stvar koja vrlo lako moze da se resi.

U grupi sam napisao ono sta mislim da bi Toyota trebala da uradi:

1 update na samom autu - nakon gasenja auta na instrument tabli da se pojavi informacija - koliko je baterija napunjena (recimo 74%) i u slučaju da je napunjenost niža (kao što rekosmo nije uvek ista), dodatno upozorenje da bi je trebalo dopuniti u ready modu

2 da podrobno to objasne i istaknu u knjizi koju smo svi dobili uz auto

3 da svim servisima i dilerima naloži da se svakom vozaču hibridnog auta skrene pažnja na to da 12V akumulator nakon gasenja auta nije 100% napunjen kao na ostalim automobilima i da ih upute da u knjizi (ili na netu) pažljivo pročitaju sva upustva u vezi toga.

Nakon toga gospodinu iz Toyote sam postavio sledeca pitanja:

- Šta mislite da li bi bilo neke koristi od toga da se na hibridnom autu nakon iskljucenja pojavi info o napunjenosti baterije, recimo 62% ili 78% i ako je 62%, onda jos i dodatno upozorenje da bi bateriju trebalo dopuniti?
Ja sam auto iskljucio i problem sa startovanjem sam imao vec nakon 8 sati, a ne nakon 8 dana. Da mi se na tabli pojavila informacija da bi akumulator morao da dopunim, do problema sa paljenjem ne bi ni došlo

- Šta mislite koliko bi to povecalo trošak proizvodnje jednog auta, samo da procesor na osnovu napona na akumulatoru proračuna koliko je isti napunjen i tu informaciju prikaže na tabli ?

- Trece pitanje je - ukoliko bi na vagu stavili sa jedne strane korist od toga, a sa druge strane štetu (trošak), šta mislite na koju stranu bi prevagnulo? (uzgred, korist bi bila bar u manjem broju poziva za Eurocare službu)

I poslednje pitanje - ukoliko bi slučajno korist bila veća od štete, mislite li da bi onda imalo nekog smisla da se Toyoti predoči ta ideja?

Dok Toyota eventualno ne uradi update, ima stvari koje bi i sami mogli da uradite:

1 Mozete da postavite instrument koji pokazuje trenutni napon i napunjenost baterije
2 Takodje mozete da postavite i monitor temperature u baterijskom prostoru. Ja sam u Okovu kupio pokazivac sobne i spoljne temperature i senzor za spoljnu temperaturu sam postavio pored baterije

3 malo bolji elektronicar bi mogao da vam napravi i pametan punjac za bateriju od 200V

4 U kabini i prtljaznom prostoru obavezno zamenite sve sijalice od 8 W sa LED sijalicama (to je tek potpuno nejasno, zbog cega je Toyota postavila sijalice koje problem mogu samo da amplifikuju???)

четвртак, 3. новембар 2022.

Toyota hybrids hidden issues, possible solutions and some other ideas

First let's see about what issues we are talking about, and ideas, and then additional clarification will follow below.

1. 12 V battery discharging problem

The root of this problem is in the lack of information, and solution could be very simple.
In short - drivers know nothing about charging patterns of 12V battery on hybrid cars, and they are convinced that 12V battery are 100% charged after they turn off their vehicle, which is not the case!
The solution, as I said, could be very simple - Every time after turning off power, on dashboard should display next information:


2. Temperature monitoring of the battery compartment

It would be very good if a temperature sensor was inserted into the 200V battery compartment, so that we could see the temperature in that compartment on the dashboard... ...and third...

3. All Toyota hybrids, plug-in hybrids...


1 Discharge of 12V battery

Even before I got my new Toyota, one of my colleagues could not start his Prius after waiting for a longer time at the taxi station. He called the service department and it turned out that the problem was due to a voltage drop on the 12V battery. In addition to other consumers, taxi vehicles also have VHF radio, which (especially in handover) are large consumers of electricity.

This is exactly why I installed a voltmeter on my new car, to monitor the voltage on the 12V batery. With the help of a voltmeter, I immediately noticed some interesting things. Take a look at this short video:

- Unlike other cars, the 12V battery on a hybrid vehicles is charged only from time to time. As a result, I noticed that the next morning the voltage (and that means the charging capacity) of the 12V battery was much lower than it was on the previous car. On the previous car, the voltage would be about 12.8 - 12.9 V, which means that it is 95% charged, while on my new car, the voltage would be between 12.2V and 12.5V, which means that it is maybe 55 - 75% charged.

- The 12V accumulator is recharged only from time to time and it may happen that the driver turns off the car just at the moment when the voltage is the lowest (at the moment when the inverter should start charging it).
When you know, that consumption is 800 mA (while the car is turned off) you can count how much time you have, that you can safely turn on your car if it is charged only 55% after turning OF

This problem does not only happen to taxi drivers!
Someone may go on a winter vacation, park their car in front of the hotel with the alarm on, and when they get back into it after 10 - 14 days, the accumulator will not be able to start the car. The driver will have no idea what it's all about, and the nearest service is maybe 50 km away.

The solution from Toyota is:

"We recommend you put the car in ‘Ready’ mode for about 60 minutes before switching it off again and repeat the process at least once a week"

... but even with that solution we still have two problems:

1. Many drivers know nothing about potential problem, and had never heard of that advice.

2. Even if they know for that potential problem and recommendation, many of them will still be convinced that their battery are 100% charged after they turned off their car, and that they are absolutely safe for maybe next 7 days. But maybe they have turned off car while 12V battery is at the lowest level, a moment before it should start to activate charging process. So, battery is maybe only 55% charged, and alarm, and some other users could discharge battery in next 7 days.

So, after shutting off the car, a dashboard should show information that 12V battery isn't full at 100% but on a xx% (a computer should calculate and display exact value).
The situation in which they might need additional charging will be if car would stand for a longer period, or using a lot off accessories in OFF mode.

If you live your car for a longer period, the best thing to do is to disconect 12V battery, that will do no harm to your battery.

By the way, that will probably lessen the number of calls to Toyota Euro Care roadside assistance.

Allso, beside voltmeter I carry a small jump-starter which I didn't need since I can notice voltage drops on a voltmeter, and if needed I put car in "Ready" mode.

2 Temperature monitoring of the battery compartment.

In addition to the voltmeter, I also installed an indicator of a temperature in the 200V battery compartment (with a suitable sensor) in my car. Monitoring the temperature in that area is very important!
Until I had that instrument, I was guided mostly by the information about the outside temperature and based on that I would adjust the operation of the air conditioner, which is a big mistake.
If the outside temperature is only 20C, and you stand for a long time in a queue on a sunny day, the temperature in the cabin and battery compartment will be much higher than while driving during night at the same 20C.

In addition, when I monitor that temperature and see that it has suddenly jumped, I immediately know that some party behind me has closed the ventilation hole and that this is the reason for the temperature jump.

So, based on that data, I decide when I'm going to turn on the air conditioning, whether I should turn it up, and whether I should check that the rear vents are working.

If the temperature is constantly monitored and kept under control, the life of the battery will be extended, and probably the efficiency will increase.

3 All Toyota hybrids, plug-in hybrids

It would be good if all Toyota’s Hybrid cars (at least in areas with cooler climate!) had the option of external recharge of the big batterie (say, inside of a garage overnight, with clever charger!!!)

What are the benefits?

Theoretically, we can start a hybrid vehicle in the morning with either a full or an empty battery. In the first case, a fully-charged battery will revive/unload the engine while warming up, whereas, in the second case, the engine will be additionally burdened with recharging the battery during the warm-up period.

It is when petrol engines are cold that they reach the highest consumption, therefore the first (and less significant) difference will be instantly visible in somewhat lower consumption of fuel.

What is more inportant - relieving the engine during warmup will extend it lifespan

Also, if we empty the battery before reaching home (as much as we could while driving in EV mode), the consumption decrease will be considerable.

Additional idea could be if we maybe had a 230V heater inside the engine block, for the engine to warm up prior to ignition :) .

At the end, just to mention that my average consumption from Aprill till the end of the October is about 3,4l/100km (69 mpg). In May and October it was 3,3l/100km (71 mpg)


Edit 22.11.2022

An interesting thing happened, and that is, that not long after I posted this text, my 12V battery also failed.

On Sunday morning I drove out and parked the car in front of the garage. Some 8 hours later, I get into the car to park it back, but the hybrid circuit could not be activated because the voltage on the battery was less than 12V. With the jump starter, which I keep in the car, I started the car, put it in the garage and connected the smart charger.

I assume that the reason is in the following: it is likely that the previous day I turned off the car just before the inverter started to charge the battery (when the voltage on it is the lowest), just starting it drew a little more current from it, and in the two minutes it took me to take the car out, the battery could not be replenished sufficiently.

I shared my experience in a Viber group, which also includes a gentleman from Toyota Serbia.
Considering that reliability is the first thing that comes to mind with Toyota, it is a real shame that there is such a banal thing that can be solved very easily.

In the group I wrote what I think Toyota should do:

1 update on the car itself - after turning off the car, information appears on the dashboard - how much the battery is charged (let’s say 74%) and in case the charge is lower (as we said, it is not always the same), an additional warning that it should be topped up in ready mode

2 to explain it in detail and point it out in the book that we all received with the car

3 to instruct all service centers and car dealerships to draw the attention of every driver of a hybrid car to the fact that the 12V battery after turning off the car is not 100% charged as in other cars and to instruct them to carefully read all the instructions in this regard in the book (or on the Internet).

After that, I asked the gentleman from Toyota the following questions:

- What do you think, would there be any benefit if, after switching off, information about the battery charge appears on the hybrid car, let’s say 62% or 78%, and if it is 62%, then also an additional warning that the battery should be topped up?
I turned off the car and I had the problem with starting already after 8 hours, and not after 8 days. If I had received information on the dashboard that I would have to top up the battery, the ignition problem would not have occurred.

- How much do you think it would increase the cost of producing a car, if only the processor, based on the voltage on the battery, calculates how charged it is and displays that information on the dashboard?

- The third question is - if you were to weigh the benefit from it on one side, and the harm (cost) on the other, which side do you think would prevail?
(by the way, the benefit would be at least in fewer calls to the Toyota Eurocare service)

And the last question - if by chance the benefit would be greater than the harm, do you think it would make sense to present this idea to Toyota?

Until Toyota eventually does an update, there are things you could do yourself:

1 You can install an instrument that shows the current voltage and charge of the battery

2 You can also install a temperature monitor in the battery compartment (with a suitable sensor)

3 a slightly better electronics technician could make you a smart charger for a 200V battery

4 You should change all bulbs in cabin and trunk.
I do not understand why did Toyota, instead of LED bulbs of 1W or less, put 8W bulbs in vehicles where there may be problems with the discharge of the 12V battery? .

уторак, 4. октобар 2022.

Unconventional solutions

Original post is from May 2020, and after I have joined some nautical groups, I have decided to translate it into English

A week ago I experienced a stressful situation on leaving the marina. After it happened I activated an option that I had added to the boat off plan, so I’ve decided to describe this one, as well as some other changes I’d added in the course and after finishing the construction.

Let’s start from the mentioned event – On leaving the marina, having switched the command to reverse gear, instead of the usual 20 – 30, the boat tilted aside by over 60° and headed straight toward Goca’s boat. No big deal, as I was moving slowly, I just needed to fully move the rudder, give it a fast forward and straighten the course. Yeah, right. The boat started reacting with a delay of some 10 seconds, I very nearly struck Goca :)

I immediately realized something was wrapped around the propeller. Managed to pull out of the marina, sailed to where I wouldn’t bother anyone, and started moving back and forth, back and forth, xxx times. The status improved slightly, but it was clear that I would not be able to easily shake off whatever got hooked.

  I had two options.
The first was to dive to reach the propeller. The Danube was still chilly, but that would not have been a problem, as I have on boat a diving suit, designed for very low temperatures. The problem was that, following the dire fall off a bike and an ear operation two weeks ago, I was strictly banned from diving for the rest of my life :(

The next option was to use the opening for access to the propeller from the aft cabin, for the first time in 14 years after launching the boat in water.

While the boat was still under construction, an acquaintance told me of the trouble he went through in Greece after having the propeller catch and coil up a lengthy nylon rope. Coiled it and, he said, curled it into a giant hank. The guy struggled for almost a day but, realizing he could not cope with it, finally hired a professional diver.   At that moment I resolved to do what is only done in far more serious vessels. My problem was that the berth in aft cabin was located a few centimeters below the water line. As I did not want to lift the berth by 10+ cm, I caught again, whom other than Neša :), to us fiberglass to make this, so to speak, vessel, rising as the berth is moved.

Using the vagres hose I could see that the water line is some 4 - 5 cm below the vessel edge. Some would say, - just enough, but... here in the area of Yugoslavia Hotel, although speeding is strictly prohibited, there are lunatics / egomaniacs finding greatest satisfaction in doing just that. For, Gee, who would notice them at all if they speeded where it was allowed?

  The waves these produce would probably cause to water slightly overflowing on the vessel at moments. No danger there, I could, say, take a broad linoleum band, wrap around and glue it around and above this plastic vessel, thus gaining additional 10 - 15 cm.

Better safe than sorry – as I was venturing into this process for the first time, and being alone on the boat, I decided to take additional precautions this first time. I set on to relieve the aft part, and burden maximally the bow part, in order to additionally lower the water line above the propeller.

As you can see – I pulled out 60 m of chain from the anchor well and laid it over the anchor, inserting in it a spare chain, anchor, plenty of tools and more stuff. I placed on the bow the bicycles, kayak, ropes and a 300 l water bag, purchased for another special occasion of a different kind (more on that later). I lowered the water line by the propeller by additional 10 cm, so the process may begin - the door may open :)

As I do not have the permit, it immediately struck me that here I could easily fish,.. I just might buy a small hook and a piece of nylon :)
It occurred to me to do another translucent plexy cover, so that I can watch fishes from the stern bearing when at the seaside :)

This time I managed to catch some fish without a hook

Anyway, it was just as I’d expected - quite a large bag wrapped around the propeller. It must have been even larger at first, but some parts were torn off after those repeated back and forth attempts.

You can see below the part that Neša made for me of fiberglass and which precisely levels up with the bottom line once the cover is down.

Openings on a hull - placing depth gauge and speedometer sensors

It is these openings below the water line that bothered me constantly - you construct a steel boat, completely watertight, and then on its bottom you drill holes and close them with plastic which can, in extreme situations, rips off, and ciao - the boat sinks.

I have read about such cases, when, for example, a man on a sailing boat came upon a floating container, which shaved his log encoder, water started pouring in at enormous quantities, two large for the bilge pump to handle, he did not find a solution, and the boat went under.
Even if you manage, if you have the plugs ready, by the time you realize what had happened, find the hole where the water is pouring in and pop the plug, you will have a considerable quantity of water in the cabin.

Here again the rule applies - better safe than sorry. Following such reasoning, I decided to fully protect the hole intended for the log sensor (diameter of 40 mm). I welded the prochrom pipe with a cover flange around the sensor by a full weld. Only one hole was made on the side for the cable, but it is sealed with silicone, preventing a drop of water, even if the hole is completely opened, from entering the boat.


Depth gauge sensor on a steel boat is another cup of tea. In plastic and wooden boats it can be placed in oil in boat interior and read data faultlessly. They say that some sensors are able to operate thus in steel boats, as well, but I wanted to play it safe.

I had a turner make a kind of glass, of full prochrom profile, which fits the outer sensor part. That was welded onto the boat bed, cut and polished to the level of the plate it had been welded on. This part is slightly visible below the polished glass that I had made of prochrom pipe to protect the outer part of the sensor. The turner cut a short pitch screw thread on its part, and then cut in on mine. Once the sensor was fitted, the rest of the outer cavity was filled in with Sika.


Well, I had major uncertainty regarding the refrigerator, where to place it? The plan envisaged it would take up a part of the kitchen space. A serious capacity refrigerator with good insulation would occupy a considerable part of the kitchen, which I did not like at all. At first, until I find the right solution, I put inside the lounge a fridge with capacity of (20l). That was small capacity, but consumption of electricity was high :)

The right solution is a compressor refrigerator in the right spot, so I finally decided to place it into the bow cabin.

The part where the fridge is now was originally an empty space. So, the drawback is that now it is cramped, but I consider this drawback to be incomparably smaller than what I gained. After I laid the polyurethane insulation of 9 cm thickness, the master Neša takes the stage and does his share of work – plasticizing the inside, outside of the fridge, and placing the cover. The cover insulation is somewhat thinner, but there will be a pillow on the outside anyway, which represents additional insulation.

Capacity of the refrigerator is cca. 75 l, which is not so bad for a boat, and electricity consumption is ridiculously small – according to my calculation, cca. 12 Ah per 24h
I have in mind, the first opportunity that I am on boat in summer, to adjust cooling to the maximum during daylight and, the moment the sun sets, to completely switch off the compressor, and check the temperature in the fridge the following morning. As the insulation is excellent, I am certain that the fridge could be used thus, it does not even drain 1 Ah from the battery during the day (solar panels are more than sufficient to provide the required energy).

I have placed the compressor in this space beside the bunk.


I have already increased the space within the anchor well in construction by setting the bed, designed to be horizontal, under a steeper angle. I drilled a hole at the bottom of the well at the very bow, inserted and welded a piece of prochrom pipe. Many others tend just to drill holes on the side for draining, but then they get an ugly trace of dirt from draining and possibly from the corroded chain.

I have firstly placed the winch under the cover, as it is mostly done. The I saw that it would be much better if I moved it back slightly, to have the chain hanging above the lowest part of the well.

    This is how I did it

Having moved the winch, I engaged Neša again, to make an appropriate cover for me. He did both this one and the large cover inside the cockpit with airex in sandwich. He also used fiberglass to make two smaller covers on the stern. Previous designs, as far as I remember, planned to use mostly wood/plywood for these things, but I strived to have everything made of fiberglass, wherever possible.


I have done the anchor roller like this for two reasons.

The first is - to throw the anchor a bit further ahead of the bow and move it away from the winch that was placed in the front at the beginning.
The second reason is that the anchor, when reaching the roller, breaks much more easily in this combination with 2 rollers and angles 135 degree angles, than with one roller, where it "breaks" at 90°.

The winch of 1000 W will deal with that without a problem, but if, god forbid, it breaks down, then my back and my hands will thank me for this move :)


I have made the bowsprit (that I use for the genaker) of stainless steel pipes. It is easy to hang on the ancillary roller, and the side cable clamps are similarly hung on the edge pipe posts. It is always upright by the bow fence and, when necessary, can be tightened down by dyneema rope in a second.

Black tank

At the time when I was getting ready to start the self-construction the regulations were not so strict and the wastewater tank was not the required norm. It was for my sake that I’d decided to go with it. Just like, when you anchor in a heavenly cove, dive in by the boat, and then a crew member enters the toilet and slightly changes the sea colour just where you are :)

The waste tank can be placed in two ways - below or above the water line. If it is below, you have to have the discharge pump. I decided on the second, simpler option, deciding to place it on the partition within the space intended to dispose of wet things, immediately next to the toilet.
Having resolved that, all I needed was to make a tank of such shape to be used ideally in the space. I start making the model that Neša will later use to make the fiberglass original.

The Styrofoam proved as the ideal solution for this purpose. I join 4 tables of styrofoam of 5 cm thickness (as I’d decided that the tank thickness be 20 cm). Then I cut the styrofoam in such a way as to exactly fit to the boat side and tailor an ideal angle in the lower part at the spot where the valve would be placed.

After I sandpaper the edges and angles, I cover the whole model in broad adhesive tape for Neša to be able to directly start producing originals. When he does that, he cuts it in half, throws out the styrofoam, inserts and laminates prochrom pipes and grips that I have prepared. Then he joins it again and closes and hey presto - the tank can be installed and filled in :)

Here on the river I keep the discharge valve open at all times, while on the sea (some day :) ) it will be closed both in the marina and in the anchorage. Once you set sail, you just open the valve and the valuable content simply pours out into the sea in free fall :)

Before sailing on the sea, I shall have to make some more regulatory modifications, to be able to empty the tank in the marina with the pump. Capacity of the current tank is 60 l

Navigation table

Modifications to the navigation table were, in my opinion, a complete success. This is what it looks like on my boat.

According to the design, it was supposed to be much lower, a sitting desk with a small chair. Below the upper board there is a part to hold the charts in, on the left and on the right the design had set drawers or chambers, by choice, while the middle part was left empty (feet space), that is to say, completely unutilized.

I opted for the standing navigation table, and elevated it considerably, in the part where the broadside is the widest, moving it slightly towards the boat axis to achieve an enormously larger capacity.
Below the part intended for the charts I keep 6 large boxes with tools, spare parts and other boat equipment, as well as a number of little cases and boxes with bolts and trinkets.

I have affixed a nautical chart of the eastern Mediterranean and covered it with epoxy resin, quite abundantly, so that, after so many years, it went slightly jaundiced.

When it is used, you can draw it a little further out, to obtain larger area.

Otherwise, following the advice of Annie Hill, I did not install any doors, only curtains. If it is possible to avoid doors, then you’re saving time, money and, more importantly - boat weight, well worth the consideration. However, when it has bothered the wife for years, then, after a while, you still decide to install a door there, hence the curtains were removed there :)

The genoa rail, edge pipe, railing, cleats...

When it comes to deck equipment, I’d tried to weld whatever was weldable, on the “fit and forget” principle.
There is nothing worse than realizing that your deck has "leaked" through the hole where some of the mentioned equipment parts were fastened, and you have to remove the plating and the insulation in order to repair the leak :)

If welded, there will possibly be a hint of corrosion, which is quickly and easily fixed with a sanding brush and a little paint, and there is no way water can penetrate the cabin.

Prefabricated genoa railings are 2 x 3m = 6m. On each 5cm there is a bolt, so totally 122, which means 122 holes in the deck. I have made them of prochrom flah and welded onto the deck.

I pondered a lot with regards to the edge pipe. In steel ships people most often just add flah and drill holes in it for drainage. At first that seems most logical, the easiest and the cheapest solution, but afterwards you have maintenance problems, ugly corrosion marks on the broadside, etc.
Therefore, I’ve decided to install a prochrom pipe, like the one you can see on Etap boats.
The prochrom pipe protects the boat edge from impact, it is suitable for hanging on the fender, the gennaker reel and as handrail for climbing or descent along the side, or crawling along the deck in a storm :)

  The drawback is that small things can slide into the water underneath the pipe. At the very beginning a girlfriend of Vuk had the telephone fall into Danube off the front deck. After that we’ve been warning all guests to mind their small stuff.
Placing, say, a strap between the poles would eliminate that problem, but, as we are being careful, I haven’t done that yet.

Finally, to answer the question - where did the large water bag on the boat come from?  (visible above in the bow photo)
A couple of years ago, a friend sent me a recording of Y T, showing a man hanging a large water bag (probably on the genoa halyard) and tilting the boat with the help of the bag just enough to slide under the bridge.

The height of my mast is 16 m above the water, and clearance under the bridge to Pančevo at medium water level is 13 m. When I bought the bag at army junk yard, I thought its capacity was 200 l (perhaps I was misinformed at the time). Later I concluded that the 200 kg of load would not be sufficient to tilt the boat enough.
I’ve only just discovered that capacity of the bag is all of the 300 l, so I shall probably perform an experiment. I shall calculate the height that the bag should be placed on in order to touch water when the boat tilts at 40° (I reckon that the angle of 45° would be quite sufficient to pull under the bridge).

Of course, I shall firstly present the idea to the people in Selden and, if they approve, I shall sink the bilge pump on the side, fill the bag and see what happens :). It would really be great if I could sail to Đerdap with the mast on (last time I went there it was laid down on the deck). That’s it... for now :)

 If you have a facebook profile, you can see the photos of transferring the boat over the house: 


петак, 23. септембар 2022.

Recept za bezuslovno uzivanje u hrani

Da li bi voleli da mozete da jedete sta god pozelite i koliko god pozelite, a da ne strepite da cete se zbog toga ugojiti ili da cete narusiti svoje zdravlje ?
Ovo nije prica samo o uzivanju u hrani, ovo je prica i o zdravlju, zabludama u vezi hrane, a malo i o hrani kao sredstvu za manipulaciju.

Ulazim u pekaru i uzimam burek sa mesom. Uz slano pod obavezno uzmem i nesto slatko. Vidim burek sa visnjama, a odavno ga nisam jeo (teeth)
Malo kasnije jedem moj burek sa mesom, a kolega pored mene dok gricka neke svoje travke mi kaze da se ne seca kada je poslednji put u zivotu jeo burek ili bilo sta drugo iz pekare (covek inace ima velikih problema sa viskom kilograma).
Trebali ste samo da vidite zaprepašcenje na njegovom licu u trenutku kada sam, zavrsivsi sa mesom iz kese izvadio i poceo da jedem i burek sa visnjama. Samo je zinuo, razrogacio oci i zanemeo - ziva istina (smiley)

Hrana nam sa jedne strane predstavlja uzitak, a sa druge moru, i to cini mi se najvise zenama. Sa jedne strane tu je zelja, a sa druge kocnica. Postoji li mozda neko resenje za to?

Nasa osnovna greska je u tome sto se hrani u nekim stvarima neopravdano daje isuvise veliki znacaj. Dve stvari na koje se odmah pomisli su telesna tezina i zdravlje. Svakako da je hrana dosta vazna u vezi jednoga i drugoga, ali ima stvari koje su daleko vaznije i uticajnije i za tezinu i za zdravlje.

Dakle, ne na prvom i drugom, nego na prvih 10 mesta bi trebale da stoje sledece dve stvari, a onda od jedanaestog pa na dalje stavite hranu i sta god.

Te dve stvari su - fizicka aktivnost i seks. Dakle obe - samo jedna nije dovoljna! Postoji i treca stvar, koja je u direktnijoj vezi sa hranom, ali o tome malo kasnije.

Vec vam je jasno da se ja (celog svog zivota !) hranim potpuno nezdravo, sto se tice i kolicine i sastava onoga sto unosim u sebe. Svakako da sa time ne zelim da dam nikakav pozitivan primer, nego samo hocu malo da skrenem paznju na zabludu o hrani koju sam spomenuo.

Dakle, evo kako kod mene stoje stvari u vezi hrane, telesne tezine i zdravstvenog stanja:
Od slanog jedem bas sve i svasta, a beli secer unosim u enormnim kolicinama (sto je dobro poznato svim mojim poznanicima). Hvala Bogu, do sada nisam imao bas nikakvih zdravstvenih problema. U sezdesetdrugoj godini telesna tezina mi je 78kg, a toliko sam imao i sa 22g. Za tih 40 godina mislim da ni jednom nisam prebacio 80kg. Kazaljka na vagi mi je decenijama zakucana na isto mesto.

Danas sam dao krv na analizu i svi rezultati su dobri - krvna slika, secer, masnoce,.. Sa nivoom testosterona (20,06) bi i svaki dvadesetogodisnjak mogao da bude izuzetno zadovoljan. Krvni pritisak mi je uglavnom skolski (ponekad nizi). Ja ne znam ni sta je to prostata, tu rec cujem samo u reklamama za neke preparate :) .

Sto se fizicke aktivnosti tice, samo da kazem da mi je celog zivota na prvom mestu kardio trening (trcanje i bicikl 12 meseci godisnje), ali da obavezno nakon toga odradim i vezbe snage (zgibovi i sl). O samim benefitima od trcanja sam vec vise puta pisao - ovde , pa nema potrebe da to ponavljam.

Najveci benefit od druge stvari koju sam spomenuo je proizvodnja hormona. Testosteron ima daleeeko veci uticaj i na vasu telesnu tezinu i na vase zdravlje od toga sta i koliko jedete. Svi znate za bezbroj primera (mozda i u vasoj porodici) decaka koji su bili pregojazni, da bi im se sa ulaskom u pubertet masno tkivo istopilo takoreci preko noci.

Pored regulacije telesne mase - " testosteron utječe i na kosti, mišićnu masu te je zadužen za proizvodnju crvenih krvnih stanica. Smanjuje ukupan holesterol i veoma je bitan u prevenciji osteoporoze"
"Nizak nivo testosterona kod muškaraca je udružen sa značajno povećanim sadržajem masti u telu, abdominalnom gojaznošću, visokim krvnim pritiskom i predstavlja nezavisni prediktor budućeg razvoja insulinske rezistencije, metaboličkog sindroma, šećerne bolesti (diabetes mellitus) i kardiovaskularnih bolesti"

Veoma vazna stvar je to da se testoeron moze podici samo prirodnim putem. Uzimanjem recimo tableta, ne da necete imati ama bas nikakve koristi, nego cete ozbiljno narusiti svoje zdravlje !

Sve ovo sto pisem ne vazi samo za muskarce, nego i za zene. Samo, zene bi ipak trebale malo da povedu racuna da ne zastrane. Moja poznanica koja drzi skolu aerobika, a prilicno je aktivna i na drugom polju, skoro mi je rekla da ima bas visok nivo testosterona. Ona nema takoreci ni jedan jedini gram sala. Mozda je to nekom lepo, ali iz muske perspektive je to jedan veliki minus (bolje da ljulja,... (smiley) )
Znaci drage dame ne obazirite se na predstavu o lepoti koju vam serviraju gay modnih kreatori, mi volimo vase obline. Sto se toga tice, ja bi moju zenu kljukao baklavama, tulumbama i urmasicama, kao sto to rade Turci, al se ona ne da :) .


Spomenuh na pocetku i trecu stvar na koju bi trebalo obratiti paznju, a to je dnevni post. Ja vec duze vreme (decenijama unazad) imam dva obroka dnevno, dorucak (posle 10) i rucak/vecera (popodne, predvece). Na taj nacin sam, iako nista ne znajuci o tome, primenjivao principe autofagije.
O autofagiji ste sigurno vec nesto naculi, a da li znate da je jedan naucnik 2016te dobio Nobelovu nagradu za svoj rad o autofagiji?

"Japanski molekularni biolog Jošinori Ohsumi je dobitnik Nobelove nagradu za medicinu, za istraživanja autofagije, ključnog mehanizma za obnovu ćelija, starenje i reakciju organizma na glad i infekcije.
Genetske mutacije mogu izazvati oboljenja, a proces autofagije sadržan je u mnogim bolestima, poput raka i neuroloških stanja, navodi se u obrazloženju žirija"
"Osumi kaže da narušavanje procesa autofagije može da dovede do Parkinsonove bolesti, dijabetesa, pa čak i raka"


Jošinori Ohsumi je svojim radom dokazao da svakodnevni post blagotvorno deluje na nase zdravlje i organizam generalno i za to je dobio Nobelovu nagradu za medicinu !!!
Sa druge strane, celoga zivota nam serviraju pricu da je veoma vazno da unosimo vise obroka tokom celog dana - tri glavna jela i dve uzine izmedju.

Potpuno je ocigledno da su ta dva pristupa dijametralno suprotna i da nam se prica o vise obroka namece, ne zbog naseg zdravlja, nego radi necije koristi.

Da li ste culi za sun gazing i bretherianizam, tvrdnje da covek moze da zivi potpuno bez hrane samo upijajuci energiju od sunca i od prane. Ako vas zanima nesto vise o tome, mozete potraziti iskustva Hira Ratan Manek-a i Ray Maor-a, ali hajde sada, samo hipoteticki da zamislimo sledecu situaciju: Na nekom univerzitetu u svetu sprovede se istrazivanje koje bez ikakve sumnje potvrdi da covek moze da zivi potpuno bez hrane. Sta bi se onda desilo? I da li bi se ista desilo? Da li bi se uopste i culo za to? Zamislite se malo nad tim.

Hrana nije samo sredstvo za ostvarivanje profita, hranom se manipulise na vise polja. Culi ste mozda da je u Americi drzava letos placala poljoprivrednicima da spale svoje useve, dok nam sada uz nestasicu energenata prete i da ce ceo svet gladovati.

Dakle o hrani bi trebali da razmislite malo i iz neke druge perspektive, a ako se posvetite aktivnostima koje sam spomenuo i dnevnom postu, moci cete da uzivate u njoj bez ikakvog opterecenja i grize savesti

Na kraju ja se samo pitam sledece - ako vec postoje neke stvari koje su 10 puta vaznije od hrane (za zdravlje i telesnu masu), zbog cega onda ljude toliko zatrpavaju informacijama o hrani, a ne o onome sto za njih moze da bude daleko vaznije ???

A vi iz celog ovog pisanja mozete da obratite paznju samo na neke cinjenice i sami onda izvlacite zakljucke. Cinjenice su sledece:

Imam takoreci 62 godine,... ...celoga svog zivota jedem sta god mi padne na pamet (secer u ogromnim kolicinama),... ... ne dobijam na kilazi... ...i nemam nikakvih zdravstvenih problema !
Pri tom, potpuno sam ubedjen da kada ne bi radio ono sto radim, da bi slika, sto se tice i tezine i zdravlja, bila potpuno drugacija.

Ispod su moji danasnji laboratorijski nalazi, pa ako nekoga zanima moze da pogleda. Rekoh u tekstu da su mi bas svi rezultati dobri, ali izgleda kao da sam sam sebe urekao - prvi put u zivotu mi je holesterol malo povisen

понедељак, 22. август 2022.


original post is from march 2022

You have probably heard that anthropologists have noticed that members of some tribes in some completely isolated communities did not suffer from depression at all. There was no word in their language to describe such a condition. However, if they became part of this modern society, their members would quickly succumb to alcohol and become depressed. The examples of North American Indians and Aborigines best demonstrate this. So much for the "advanced" civilization.

So, some people there, let's say, Bushmen, have no idea what it is, and despite all these benefits and advanced medicine we have, we do not know how to deal with depression! And it's not only that we can't overcome it, but it has gained such momentum in modern society that it is already threatening to take on a global pandemic scale ...

-------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

It all started as a coincidence, and in fact, it is evident that coincidence does not exist. First, Zorica posted an interesting story about the train and life path in the Viber group. I immediately thought of Bill Hicks' outstanding performance - It's Just A Ride, and I pasted it below. Then I went to the TV. I rarely watch it, but when I do, I mostly turn on the BBC World as I can find some topics there that catch my attention. So I had a look and saw the show going on at that moment: Depression and Me.

- WOW, man, this is really interesting!

Let me start with the fact that I haven't had any severe problems with depression. Still, if we talk about depression, we actually talk about the mind, which is exactly what attracts my attention - particularly thinking about the human mind. The mentioned video (It's Just A Ride) is a story about understanding reality, and that is directly associated with the feeling of depression.

Let's stay on the show for now. If you have the option of watching the older program, you can watch it until March 28/29, and it will certainly be aired in some future period.

I won't talk much about the show itself, but at the beginning, I would like to mention something that most viewers probably ignored - who talks about their problem with depression?

In this case, it's Alastair Campbell. I could write a lot here about his life, and if you are more interested, it is best to go to the Wiki. I will just say that he was a successful journalist and later an adviser to many famous politicians, including Tony Blair. According to him, he did not have any traumas in his youth; he has a great family and has achieved great success in everything he did.
Blair himself described Campbell as a genius. In any case, Campbell is an above-average intelligent person, and yet he suffers from depression, even severe depression. He has been on antidepressants for more than 30 years - every single day! But despite taking these so-called drugs, he has regular bouts of depression!

How come an intelligent man, who has achieved everything that can be achieved in life, without a rational basis for depression, has been treating depression for 30 years and has not found a solution to his problem yet? Does that mean that there is no solution at all?


Somewhere in the second part of the show, Campbell touched on something called deep therapy, which consists of a single very intense session. Again, that therapy includes something he has a great aversion to - psychedelics. More specifically psilocybin, the essential ingredient of magic mushrooms. We heard from Campbell that a study was carried out at the University of London in which twenty patients suffering from chronic depression were given a single dose of psilocybin. The results were fascinating.

The session itself is not pleasant. One of the participants in that study said he met his demons during the session, but he realized that those things were not as scary as he thought. After the session, he was completely free from depression and did not take antidepressants for three months. The results were similar for the other participants.

Campbell hasn't tried that method yet, but who knows, maybe one day he will ...


Johns Hopkins is the oldest research university in the United States, and they have gone the furthest in this field. They first did a study in which they gave people with cancer a single dose of psilocybin. The results were fantastic. It was clear already in this research that patients' anxiety and depression were almost completely gone. You can read more about the study here

The title reads as follows: - original - this is something we should not ignore! The active ingredient in magic mushrooms was given to people with cancer: 80% felt an immediate reduction in anxiety and depression, and it lasted for six months and longer (and now pay special attention to the following!) " original".. (remember that sentence) Following a study on people with cancer, J. Hopkins University has recently carried out another study with people suffering from severe depression. Psilocybin also showed immediate and long-term effects. Most of these people felt the positive effect lasting up to a year. You can read about it here


We now have the following situation: People who have severe problems with depression are prescribed antidepressants. They take them daily, day after day, many of them for the rest of their lives. On the other hand, we already have scientific evidence that just a single treatment (possibly two) with psilocybin can make a person get rid of depression and anxiety (in the case of cancer patients - fear of death) for up to a year.

Shamans have been using psychedelics worldwide to help people solve their problems for hundreds of years. In Russia, these are magic mushrooms, in Africa, it is Iboga, in Mexico Peyote, in South America Ayahuasca and mushrooms, ...

And then there is a logical question: why are antidepressants forced upon and psychedelics are banned (in the treatment!)? It seems someone benefits from not curing people of depression and strives to prolong their symptoms ...

In response, it's best to quote Terence McKenna - Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third-story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing. THEY OPEN YOU UP TO THE POSSIBILITY THAT EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG.

Terence McKenna said that 50 or more years ago, and remember the conclusions of the latest study: "original" By all accounts, McKenna was absolutely right ------------------------------------------ Have you ever thought about programs deeply installed in your mind - religion, nation, patriotism, ...?
No, I can't talk about it now, we wouldn't understand each other at all, but we can talk about Mowgli.
Do you remember the Jungle Book - the story of a boy raised by orangutans who entered this civilization as a mature person? There was no idea in his mind about religion, belonging to a nation, etc. Yet, he viewed all the people around him exactly the same way.
If only one such Mowgli appeared here among us now, that would not be a problem at all. But just try to imagine what would happen if thousands and thousands of Mowglis appeared among us, what would happen then?

How would all those who are currently shaping our destinies react? They would be in a complete state of shock. In the beginning, they probably wouldn't know what to do, and then I guess they would do the following - they wouldn't have time for some instant forcing of a national feeling. I guess they would try to convince those with brown eyes that blue-eyed people pose a serious threat to them and that they urgently need to take some measures to protect themselves. Normally, they would offer weapons immediately.
They would not have to persuade much the blue-eyed to take similar measures - they would see for themselves the brown-eyed arming. The weapon is there, the fear is there, and now they only need one more spark for the brown-eyed and blue-eyed to start beating each other.

Does this ring a bell?

So, if psychedelics were legalized, there is a great possibility that they would have a large number of Mowglis, and the authorities would not like that at all. The government already has great means of manipulation in its hands - deeply embedded programs of religious and national affiliation. If individuals without these programs installed in their heads suddenly appeared now, it would be a very, very big problem for them.


After everything you've read, I probably look like Mowgli to you, like someone who just came from the jungle. You also assume that I had some experience with psychedelics. You are right.
In 2015, after reading about a study done at J. H. University (with people with cancer), I decided to try magic mushrooms at the age of fifty-five. You can guess why I decided to do that
Nine and a half months later, I took the mushrooms again exactly as in this study. Seven months after that, I was also at the Ayahuasca ceremony (September 2016), and these are all my experiences with psychedelics. I got all the information I needed about the mushrooms and Ayahuasca, and I hung up. I am not saying that I will never reach for such an experience again, but only if I have some great doubts or need some information. If you are interested, you can read about my experiences and all the messages I got from Ayahuasca and mushrooms: magic mushrooms; Ayahuasca

Bill Hicks

JUST A RIDE - when I first heard this, I was utterly dumbfounded. And the first thing I thought was - well, how is it possible that you can hear so much wisdom from an ordinary comedian in just a few sentences. Later, when I found out that Hicks himself had experience with psychedelics, I immediately understood where he got all this wisdom from.

But the main thing and the point is that you don't need psychedelics at all ... ... if you can see reality from a slightly broader perspective. Meditation is a great thing - try to perceive all the programs this civilization has carved deep into your mind. Realize that all these programs are a perfect tool for manipulation. Don't let anyone instill hatred and fear in your heart through these programs, because, as Bill Hicks says - it all comes down to choosing between love and fear.
"The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one" ""

He said a lot in just a few minutes:

"Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride"

You should be aware that behind all this that we see around us and value as "good" and "bad" there is some intelligent mind that directs it all just like that. For some reason, we need everything "good" and everything "bad" in this school we are going through, and that is why in some finale, everything is actually good. This is very important for you to understand, and that's why I have spread the Rumi's thought all over my FB wall.


original post is from october 2016 About 4 months ago, I learned that an Ayahuasca ceremony would be held in Belgrade in September. I heard about it happening in Novi Sad before, but this was the first time I heard that something like this was about to be held in Belgrade. The time interval between my last experience with mushrooms and this one would be only 7 months, but this sounded like an opportunity not to be missed, and I also had a question about Ayahuasca.

That previous experience with mushrooms gave me the necessary self-confidence and I waited for the ceremony relaxed and mentally completely ready. There was only, so to say, a fuss about one thing - would I get enough of the drink?

There were some things on my mind - three failed attempts at hypnotic regression (3 different hypnotists 10 years apart), a youthful memory of an event when I smoked hashish with friends (which had absolutely no effect on my consciousness) and last experience with mushrooms when it was not until I took 6 g (triple dose) that I had a mystical experience.

Aware that my rational analytical mind could block me, I was afraid that they would give me, a first-time participant, an insufficient amount of drink.
Reading about the ceremonies taking place in South America, I saw that there some time after taking the drink, the shaman offers an extra amount to those who feel the need for it. I wasn't sure it would be the same here.

After 7 days of preparation, fasting and abstinence, the September day arrived. We gathered around 6pm in the yard of the big house where the ceremony was supposed to start around 8:30 pm
The ceremony was led by a woman from Slovenia (with assistants), whom I will call Shaman because of her experience in South America and her abilities.

At 20:30 we were all sitting in a circle in a room of some 80 square meters. So somehow, it turned out that I was first on the left to the Shaman and her assistant.
First, there was a brief introduction and presentation of expectations - what information and change in life we ​​expect from Ayahuasca. The ceremony was attended by people who seek only some answers on the spiritual path, as well as those who want to treat their blockages, get rid of addictions or cure diseases. The answer you will get may not be the one you expected - you will get the answer Ayahuasca thinks you need.
After that, the drinking started from right to left, so I was the last. Of the thirteen participants, four of us were attending a ceremony like this for the first time. I followed what was happening and saw that the Shaman asked everyone who already had an experience if they wanted a stronger or weaker dose, while for those who were new, she determined the amount herself.

Regardless, when it was my turn I asked her to give me a stronger dose. She gave me a little smile and said - "No need to hurry".

As I was taking my dose, I was thinking about the question I wanted to be answered. The question was related to something that had been bothering me for a long time, and regarding the relationship between my two sons, specifically the intolerance that the older towards the younger. I wondered what that was about and if I could do something about it.

I went to my place and lied on the rug and bag.
The light went out and it was completely dark, since the windows were also covered with canvas. Time passed and I already heard the initial reactions from some participants. The taste of Ayahuasca was, according to many, the worst thing they had ever tasted in their lives, and vomiting was a common reaction.

The Shaman was signing Icaros songs. Her voice was divine. After more than an hour, the dim light was on and several participants came for the second dose. That was what I'd been waiting for. I approached and said - give me a strong dose. Without a word, she topped my glass and gave me the drink. I went and sat in my place (I didn't want to lie down for fear of falling asleep).

Time passed, nothing happened in my mind. After about half an hour, one girl approached for probably another dose. I took the opportunity, approached and said - absolutely nothing is happening to me - and asked for a third dose. The Shaman poured and told me that my mind was blocking and that I couls drink a liter of it, but to no avail. I would have to try to meditate and let go of my mind.
I nodded, but I still took the third glass :)

I sat in my seat and listened to Ayahuasca "working" for the other participants. There were cries, sobs, muffled laughter. I, on the other hand, was 100% sober.
Shortly after, I felt the urge to vomit, but the mind reacted at full tilt - vomiting was out of the question !!! You came here for information and you will use the last molecule of DMT, you can't vomit !! The urge was gone without a trace.

At one point I noticed a very dim red light approaching me. The first thought was that it was part of the ceremony and that it had to be one of the assistants. However, the light was standing right in front of me for a long time. I was thinking - if it was part of the ceremony, the assistant would certainly not have stayed that long, but would have moved around the circle.

So that was it, I had been waiting for you. I stared at the light, waiting for it to turn into an eye, and spoke to myself - I came for you, I don't care if you're a good or evil spirit, let me hear what you have to say to me?

However, the light moved on. Bummer :). It was the assistant after all.

After a while, it started working for me too. I could lie down, but I was certainly not going to sleep.
It started with some colorful plastic shapes, characters. Then beautiful fractals. I watched in amazement at first, but then the mind jumped in again with its story - You didn't come here to take drugs and enjoy the beauty !! You came for information. Fuck those fractals!
And it was like that a couple of times. And then at one point there was a voice, like an observer above my mind, saying - Shut that mind up, what you see, those fractals, that's the secret of the universe. Just watch, and you will get the information.

Then thoughts about God started. Observing beauty, I thought about how all that exists was God playing with himself. And this consciousness was the consciousness of God.

Thoughts moved in different directions. I remember one thought that came to my mind that morning.
In the morning, I went for a run. Namely, I wanted to see if I could run 6 km after seven days of a vegan diet. Somewhere in the middle of running, I suddenly realized that I was mostly looking at the ground while running. Probably because I once sprained my leg in a hole and fell there. However, at that moment, I wondered - Why are you looking down in front of you at the dark earth (running on an earthen road)? Raise your head, look into the distance and width, absorb energy from nature and it will give you the strength to run.
So I remembered that thought, and something told me - What you thought about running this morning, it applies to your life. Don't look down into all that dark information - crises, wars, chemtrails, ... Move your attention and focus, look into the distance and width and it will give you the energy to go through life. And if you expand your focus and learn to recognize and interpret signs like this one this morning, you won't even need Ayahuasca.

Thoughts moved further in various directions. I thought of a distant cousin, whom I saw for the first and only time two years ago when she was already 18 years old. A few days ago I had heard she was sick.
Suddenly I had a vision of a branching family tree, which I saw as a fractal, and it would be clear to me that young cousin and me, no matter how far from each other we were on that tree, were part of the same fractal. I needed to visit her in the coming days.

Several times as I watched the fractals I wondered where the answer to my specific question was and would I get it? Then, at one point came the moment of truth. Like a shot.

When I asked that question at the beginning of the ceremony, I asked it from the perspective of an observer, someone who talked about a problem with which he had nothing to do.
Naturally, I have asked myself the question 1000 times - am I perhaps somehow responsible? I was thinking, but I couldn't see any mistake in what I was doing. I have given love and a role model to my children and that's it, ....I couldn't do more.

My son told me a couple of times when he was 25 that he felt old and sometimes depressed. Now he is 26, he has no job, or even a profession that he would pursue, with a dream of moving to the United States, which somehow looks farther and farther, and who knows what else.

And what was I doing? Talking that age was just a number and that a person could live life to the fullest in the sixth, seventh, eighth decade and wanted to show him on my example. Photo albums and stories show an easy-going and relaxed life full of enjoyment from an early age and throughout life. The ideal life of an "ideal" dad.

And then, it all suddenly flashed to me. The child does not need an ideal, but an honest parent with an open heart. And I have never talked to my child about the crises I was going through myself and that I went to group therapies at the age of twenty.
And that for a young person who is at that age of some, that is, many crossroads, such a picture can be a burden rather than a drive. And that, perhaps a subconscious burden, can produce a negative emotion it can direct to the other side without a rational basis to direct towards the one who caused it.

Oh God, how sorry I am, oh how sorry I am !! For my blindness and for the suffering I caused to my family. Tears and sobs.

At that moment, a word came to my mind - Ho'oponopono, something I read about ten years ago. Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian technique that implies two things:
1. accepting responsibility for everything that happens around us
2. cleansing with the help of four statements: I'm sorry; Thank you; I love you; Forgive me please.

Powerful words that should be repeated constantly as a prayer, a mantra. How it suddenly made sense to me.

They said Ayahuasca would provide the information you need at that moment and they were right. I have been a parent for almost 27 years and all the time I have lived with a picture (pink) about what kind of parent I am, convinced that that picture is objective. What a mistake! Only children can give an evaluation of a parent and that right must be given to them clearly, unambiguously and unconditionally.
Regardless of the mindset and the reasons, their evaluation is the only valid. God knows that the children of "ideal" parents (whom the whole world sees as ideal except them) carry the greatest burden and that their suffering is greater than the suffering of children of, so to say, bad parents.

Children should be encouraged to make that judgment. In order to do it, they have to open their hearts, and in order to do that, we have to open our own first.

The day had already begun to dawn when I fell asleep for a while. At about 9, there was a sharing of personal experiences and then a farewell word from the Shaman - a message that we now have to see and integrate the insights we have gained into everyday life, which is the third and most important part of the whole process.


DMT molecules are found in nature and, among other things, in our body - in the pituitary gland. It is excreted from there only in extremely rare situations, such as a close encounter with death, and then in a split second, the consciousness expands, your whole life flashes before your eyes, and everything is clear as in the palm of the hand. A good example of the DMT effect is this quote circulating on the web: "I instantly realized that everything in my life that I'd thought was unfixable was totally fixable—except for having just jumped." Ken Baldwin (a survivor of a suicide attempt from the Golden Gate Bridge).

So don't jump off the bridge, there are safer methods to reach cognition :) And now the logical question arises - if it is something that is already in our body and if one session can replace 10 years of psychoanalysis, why is it banned and why is it not used for the common good?
We know the answer to that question, but we are doing little to change anything. Among other things, that is why I am writing publicly about this topic.

Ayahuasca/mushrooms, or DMT/psilocybin

Somehow I have to compare my second experience with mushrooms (6g dose) and this one with Ayahuasca (3+ doses, since the second glass was filled right up to the brim)

What was exactly the same were the visions of the fractals. The experience with mushrooms was much deeper. I have the impression that I have reached the core Nikola Tesla was talking about, but it is impossible to take that all-knowing cognition back with you. The only thing I kept completely clear was the mystical experience of separation from the ego and merging with the divine. It seems to me that those thoughts about God under the influence of Ayahuasca were just that, thoughts at the level of the mind.
Again, on the other hand, under the influence of Ayahuasca, the experience is, to say the least, more conscious. You are able to perform tasks consciously and save what you discover and transfer it to this level of consciousness.
That is why they say that Ayahuasca and Iboga can replace ten years of psychoanalysis with a single session.


There is already a lot of information about Ayahuasca on the Internet, so I would like to say just one more thing about the ceremonies. They can be quite versatile.
I heard from people that in the ceremonies they attended, in addition to the light, the participants were allowed to walk and that some even danced to the music.
As I have already said, the ceremony I participated in was in the complete pitch dark. Participants got up just to go to the toilet and then they could ask for help from an assistant if they could not find their way around the room.
The Shaman sang Icaros songs, used various gongs and played music through speakers. These were all gentle sounds. There were no drums or invasive tones.
Participants were told to do their best not to interfere with the processes of other participants in the room.
At one point, the Shaman warned a gentleman who had been giggling for an extremely long time - we normally only found out about this in the morning at the sharing.

Everything is perfectly organized for traveling inside and doing the process. Rating for setting - 10+ In any case, whoever opts for it should do their research in advance and choose a shaman/ceremony according to their own sensibility.